Thursday, July 12, 2012

Small bathroom update

K, I'll just say that I've lived in a LOT of places. Since I've been married I have lived in five different houses and one hotel for two weeks in between. I've been with my husband three years today. Since I left my parents home I have lived in 17 different places, some nice, some not so nice. This place takes the cake on the not so nice. I really can't understand why they use this nasty yellowish paint, rather than the standard rental white. It makes everything seem dark and dingy. It's also put together crooked in so many places it's not funny. But I make do. We had to get it sight unseen when we came from our last duty station. All that being said, now that I'm really getting my craft on, and have a pinterest addiction, it kills me to be living in a rental. I want to make my house my own! So...I am anyway, and they can KMB. :)

I'm really not doing that much, nothing that will cost them that much to change back if they wanted to, yet anyway....

I hate my master bathroom more than any other room in the house, so that is where I started. I got the idea from pinterest several months ago and let it sit in my brain for a while building momentum. Finally I did it.

They didn't just pop out. I had to boil them for 15 minutes to get them out. 

This is our bathroom. My daughters has a flame on the hot and a snowflake on the cold. I tried to do the kitchen, but it was so rusted and nasty, there was no way they were coming off no matter what I did. 

Before...looks better in the picture than in reality. 



After! This one actually came out of the guest room. The screw was so tight I stripped the heck out of it on the first go. I had to wait FOREVER for my husband to cut if off so I could put this up. 

After. The original person who did this painted around the edges. I didn't bother since they will probably take it down anyway...not to mention if they do leave it, they paint so poorly around here they will just paint their nasty yellow paint on it. 

Small things make the heart smile. :)

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