Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Blackberry Mini Pies and Our First Radish

This was 100% an experiment. I had some left over pie crust from when I made my husband a pie (my first!) and so I decided to make him and our baby little mini pies with muffin tins.

He loved the pie I made and so I figured I'd just do it the same way, but smaller. They looked really cute and I pulled them out of the oven. I stuck my finger in the middle of his just to make sure it was cooked through. I licked off my finger...something...wasn't right. No Sugar! Dangit!

My baby wasn't feeling well and she was all in my hair and so I was rushing and just missed it. So...what did I do? I dumped sugar on the top and stuck them back in the oven for it to melt. Haha!

I have no clue how they turned out because even though I made them two days ago...he still hasn't eaten it. He says he will "eventually".

Here is a picture.

A baby sized one and a daddy sized one. 

Also, we picked a radish from our container garden the other day. It looked pretty good, but we will let the rest grow some more. We planted beans, lavender, radishes, lettuce, onions, tomatoes and carrots. A cat keeps digging stuff up and pooping in the containers, but since we live in an apartment basically it's hard to tell who's cat it is. Chris ate the radish and said it was very good (no cat poop in this container).

I keep wanting to call it our "pot garden" because the stuff is planted in pots...but well, we all know why that's not a good idea. 


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